Story Challenge Theme Ideas

A dangerous one;

‘Author Parody’;
you pick another Author from GSS, and try to write a story in their style, pacing, and/or with their commonly used fetishes and themes.
(NOT with their characters, or ripping them off as such, but in their style)

and you put at the top of the story the name of the author you’re parodying.

So if you choose me as the Author you’re parodying, you could write a story like;

"Hello I am a bear and I smoke cigars and I met a cub who turned me into a condom and then we had a conversation with loads… of… basic… spelling… errors… and… then he fell asleep with me on his dick but i love him and then he waked up AND WE ALL HAD SEX "

comment section:
“ouu, nice fast pacing just like tDS; you were even authentic to The Dirty Spiders’ first person perspective, his HIDEOUS basic spelling errors, punctuation errors and over use of ellipses, 5/5, would wank”.

MartinGSS, but anonymously logged out;
“I liked how it was weird, but lovvy dovvy., 0.5’s across the board tho.”