Need feedback? Inquire within

Yes I like to read it :slight_smile:

I meant to say @imperatenor (or indeed anyone reading)
I would love to hear any feedback you have on my work.,

But I’m a bit… fine with just people being honest with me publicly. You have my permission — and thanks if you so chose to — to leave feedback on any of my stories you fancy the look of.

To be honest, I almost feel cheeky asking.
“you may read my stories and give feedback publicly”
It almost feels like I’m just asking for your time as a regular reader! :sweat_smile:


I’ll give 'em a read and see what I think :stuck_out_tongue: @thedirtyspiders

I am in the category @anyone_reading, :upside_down_face:
I also am a happy regular reader, so I will gladly provide feedback.