Policy for acceptable stories

These are the finalized and now officially enforced rules for any new story posted on the site:

  • The story should include some kind of mind control of men.
  • No sex or any kind of manipulation with children or young teenagers. Any teenager must at least be in the late stages of puberty!
  • No real-life persons, neither living or deceased!
  • No hard violence, blood and gore! No mutilations, no dismemberment!
  • The story must be yours! Do not repost someone else’s story here. Email the original author and ask them to post it instead.
  • The story must be at least 1000 words long.
  • The author must be over 18 to post a story.

If you think that an older story which was submitted some time ago and was denied because of the old rules, then let me know or just resubmit it, and I will check if I can approve it now.